You hadn't said anything about Euro delivery so I didn't think you were exploring that. I think someone my have just read it into your question.
My dealer tells me which cars are harder to get. It's usually the ones I want! With the 330cic, he told me they get 325's about 4:1 over 330's so the 325's are easier to get. The convertibles were more difficult to get and I had to wait over a month for one of their allocated 330cic's to enter production. They had an unsold production number for one 9/5/03 so that's the one I ordered. He pulled out his list and showed me which cars were available and when.
My dealer sells all the convertibles he can get so wasn't inclined to come off sticker much. Still, this is my second BMW from him so he did come off $500. I'll also get a $500 rebate because I'm a member of the BMW CCA. There's no trade in so it will be a cash deal for them.
As far as prices go, you can check the Internet at and find out what others in your area are paying for the car. I don't know how accurate it is but I always feel a little better when I pay a little less. Also you'll see exactly what the dealer pays for the car and how much he's making on the deal. I don't begrudge the dealer a fair profit and I understand there's more of a profit in it for him on a higher demand car. My dealer also adds $995 to all his cars on a little white sticker next to the window sticker. I don't waste any time at all in ignoring that and if the salesman mentions it, I just tell him "I'm not interested in paying that". It never seems to come up again.
I put down a $2500 deposit charged to a credit card. Someone had said above that they essentially "hold the check". Not my dealer, the charge went through already. I'd assume that since I ordered a car that they wouldn't have ordered, (standard transmission, no premium package, no nav, not siliver, etc) that the $2500 is probably not refundable although I haven't checked. I put the deposit on the credit card because I get frequent flier miles for credit card charges.
When the car is 3-4 days from delivery, I'll call them and get an itemized final amount, then print a check. I'll do this to avoid that hour long sales pitch for windowetching/undercoating/extendedwarranty/paint treatment/andGodknowswhatelse they're pitching. It's harder to pitch that stuff if the car isn't there and it's a lot easier to show up with a preprinted check and swap the check for the car.
Hope this helps.