No regrets in handling it the way I did:
- I like the car (that's why I bought it, right?)
- My DEALER provided outstanding service - I give credit where it is due, that is NOT defending BMW NA. So many people complain when they get lousy service, why shouldn't a dealer be recognized for good service?
- I had legal advice to follow the Lemon Law as my best, solid recourse that would provide a relatively quick resolution. That's what I did.
Do I feel BMW has handled the situation properly? Read my response CAREFULLY please:
- For MY situation, a six month old car, one of the first to report the problem, I feel that they handled it the best they could with the information they had at the time. I am satisfied with the outcome for MY situation.
- For NEW BUYERS as of Aug/Sept 2003 or there abouts, NO, I feel BMW NA should have handled it differently. Stopped sales, warned buyers, fixed on-lot cars, etc. I have NEVER defended BMW in any manner regarding this matter - where do you get that impression? Feel free to prove me wrong by quoting an old post of mine.
Don't confuse challenging someone who posts bad information with defending BMW. I HAVE challenged people who post bad or misleading information or outright lies for the sake of truth and accuracy. That is not defending BMW.
Would I want to help others avoid the frustration? YES, in my opinion that's exactly what I have been doing on this board. Myself and many others feel that by sharing our experiences, it helps others make better informed decisions about their situation. I allowed BMW to experiment with my car for a few software patches. That helped many others by quickly proving that software patches were not the solution. Many of us were told that our early failed transmissions went back for "dissection" to determine what was failing. That helped to resolve the problem.
But for some reason that I don't understand, some people see the pain that many of us went through as idiotic, inaction, collusion with BMW, defending BMW, etc. If this was the wrong thing to do, what was the right thing? Get tied up in years of litigation?
Everyone forgets one important fact - in the early days, the WIDESPREAD nature of the problem was not known, even here on the internet. We thought we were just a few unlucky souls with an isolated problem.....