Oil breaks down over time for many reasons:
- Exhaust gases blow by the rings and condense in the oil. Heard of NOx & SOx exhaust emissions? These oxides mix with the oil and form Nitric and Sulfuric acids. Acids etch metal.
- On cold start, unburnt gas blows by the rings and condenses in the oil. This dilutes the oil, reducing the viscosity.
- And of course the oil gets dirty as a result of carbon in the blowby exhaust, dirt in the intake air stream, etc.
The manufacturers add detergents and other "stuff" to the oil to neutralize the acid, maintain viscosity, etc. The big question is HOW LONG is the oil "safe" to use.
I have actually seen fresh oil in a sealed container "breakdown". It was an old but unopened container of oil I found in my garage, probably 7 - 8 years on the shelf. I opened it - the detergents, etc. had actually separated from the oil.