bmwrocks said:
I wonder if the same sort of negative comments were spreading around when other BMW model changes occured over the years. I am talking over 20 years ago till now. I guess it would not be as widespread or spreadable without the internet. I could never afford a BMW so of course I didn't follow all the chatter. I would bet your bottom dollar that this is just a rehash of the past. This car is following right in the footsteps of the 7 and 5 series changes. I think they are doing a great job of softening the radical style changes of the expensive bimmers for us 3-series lovers. The good thing is they are giving us the technology updates which IMO is a HUGE plus to these cars.
O... My... GOD... When the e36 came out, there was almost a riot - the e36 was given such a bad rap by the 'enthuesists' at the time (I equate us forum dwellers, as enthuesists as well, of course). The e30 M3 was the epitone (and still is in many ways) of a true street racecar. Of course nowadays, 2 body styles later, the e30 set the milestone for BMW in america, and the e36 is seen as the car that launched the popularity of BMW's in america. You'd have people nowadays swear the e36 was better than the E30, and the same thing in reverse. The biggest arguments being the move to a i6 from the i4, heavier car, electronics, you name it, people said that it all sucked.. Hmmph, can't pry a solid e36 M3 from an enthuesist these days. My dad used to own a 2002 turbo, '74 or'75 I believe. He loved the e30, and would have bought one if he coulda afforded it at the time.. He rode in mine a few weeks ago when he was here to visit my wife and our baby, and he enjoyed - and at the same time, gave my car a bad rap for not being 'what a bmw should be'. He did give me props for my racing suspension though!
Then the e46.. it wasn't given as such a bad rap as the e36, but it was still 'hated' on fiercely. So many things went 'electronic' instead of 'drivers feel', that it bugged the 'traditional' 'enthuesists'. The E46 M3? Well, the fact that it laid down the HP caused some skeptics to rethink things.. But the diehard fans still will argue the loss of drivers feel in the car, to all the 'electronic gadgets' the car now has. Alot of people at first didn't like how it 'softened' the edges that the e36 had (the first signs of bangle@bmw).
enter Bangle's full revamped series designs..
Please, let him leave soon! (I think?)
The soon to be E90? Who knows, it's getting the same press from the same type of 'critics' it always had (enthuesists no less!). Can't say I disagree with some of it myself(The lights do look fugly!), but I'm not going to write the car off, or the direction they are going because it doesn't 'jive' with me. That's what aftermarket kits were made for! (please intone *SARCASTIC REMARK JUST MADE* in your mind at this point please).
![Big Grin [:D] [:D]](/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
But seriously though, that also appears to be a trend in new car designs these days. It's mod-ability to look however the owner wants it to.. I know most of the folks here don't modify their cars any (That's for those 'other' forum boards), yet it's a HUGE growing trend in the youth these days. (and not so youthful!)
![Smile [:)] [:)]](/images/smilies/smile.png)
What the manufacturer puts out on the outside, isn't what some folks are concerned with these days, it's whats under the hood and inside that matters. The rest can be fiberglassed (ugh..) or kitted. Alot of which honestly, does look good, nice, and appealing. It's folks with no taste that we always notice, and draws the attention. (Usually someone would intone *RICER* here, but I hate that expression!).
Seriously though, I think bangle may have been on to something (Please, god, PLEASE let this be so!).. I bet all the other car makers will start putting their own 'flame' designs on the side of their cars to mark their differences (because all the body shapes look alike to my eye these days - all streamlined and aerodynamic). The only thing differenciating many cars these days simple IS, the badge, and now maybe a new thing - body 'motion' or 'flame' designs..
I won't buy the first year model either, but I'm pretty sure in 2006 I'll be shopping for a E90..
anoodle, you have to watch alot of Chappelle to catch the hater's ball reference..
This, is just my recounting of my various driving experiences, friends, mechanics, and life in general experiences with cars (me being a BMW nut since I was 14, took me 18 damn years to finally get one..) from when I got my license at 16, and finally hit the WOT pedal... When a E30 M3 came down the street, people stopped and stared, sorta different these days (fancy cars and imports being certainly more a part of the culture now than then).
Jesus H Christ what a long freakin' post!