oh man, dont do it bro. I used to drive an IS300 and everytime I saw a car with the replica lights I would cringe. I think most IS owners like me sort of looked down on other cars that tried to copy them. In my opinion I think it makes the car look so whack, trying to make it look like something it is not, but hey in the end it is your car and your choice, and I think its cool for people to get creative and have fun modding their cars. For me I guess its a personal preference, and I think it would be an abberation to defile such a beauty as your car with altezza lights. But if you must, ebay would be your best bet. YOur local mod shop would probably know where to get them. call around. I dont think the altezza lights for bmw is common but I wouldnt really know. But 2001 is different from the 2003. Anyways, hope you find what u r looking for, good luck and let your conscience be your guide.