I've finally got down to the tint shop to " look around " and decided on the Huper Optik 35% all the way around and at a pretty penny I might add. When I picked it up I immediately noticed something wrong with the back window . The tint wasn't adhering to the glass . The guy noticed my face cringe and piped up . He said because of the window surface with the black dots around the edges wasn't sticking good , in 2 weeks come back when the tint is dryer and the film will be tackier and might stick better ..If not than he'll cut the top inch off.
I'm sure you guys have run into this right ?
The side windows are great , no prob. its just the top of the back window for about and inch , those black dots on the window are bigger there and then get smaller . I haven't really noticed the black parts on the factory windows much ..
If the tint doesn't adhere in 2 weeks , then what ? should i cut the top inch off. That 'll look gay for sure. Can I cut the black dots off to get a smooth surface??
Thanks in advance for any help..Its a reputable shop and they do luxury cars and seem straight up guys..
edited to add link.
I'm sure you guys have run into this right ?
The side windows are great , no prob. its just the top of the back window for about and inch , those black dots on the window are bigger there and then get smaller . I haven't really noticed the black parts on the factory windows much ..
If the tint doesn't adhere in 2 weeks , then what ? should i cut the top inch off. That 'll look gay for sure. Can I cut the black dots off to get a smooth surface??
Thanks in advance for any help..Its a reputable shop and they do luxury cars and seem straight up guys..
edited to add link.
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