Cost him $4500 in damage
Here is Mr.E's official post about the accident:
So my friend who is home for the week-end (goes to college in Boston) came over today and we decided to go for a drive as he wanted to drive my car (Infiniti G35C 6MT for those of you who don't know). So he did his drive and then it was my turn and we were on some backroads. I was accelerating up this hill and it was a curvy road (25 zone, going about 30-35) and up ahead on the right was a dip in the road for one of those drainage vent things. Now being a car with stiff suspension, I hit the dip and it jolted me and I was in gear 1 and the jolt made my foot push down on the gas (I know it sounds so stupid, but this is honestly what happened). Now this instantaneous pedal to the metal made the back wheels spin and it put me sideways into like a power-slide. As soon as this started happening, I slammed on the brakes as hard as I could, but it was too late and I was well into a juicy slide and I had no control and it was the worst feeling in the world. So we slid completely and did a 180-degree turn and slid up onto the curb. As soon as it was over, I know there was damage. My friend and I were okay, but this guy who was outside across the street came running to us like a madman screaming "MOTHERF*CKERS!!" so I turned on the car, not knowing exactly what damage was done, and drove out of there. We drove for like a mile or two going 15mph and I know something was bad because all four tires were squealing and I had to keep the wheel turned to the right to keep it going straight. I would have stopped and approached the accident naturally, but that guy came running and scared the shit out of us, so we just bounced. Anyways, we found a spot to hide and we got out to look at the car, and I see that the bottom half of the left rear wheel is bent INWARDS!!!! Fortunately, we were not hurt and there was not much damage to the car. I looked under the car and the left rear axle was bent in (I guess it happened when it slammed up on the curb). So, I called up my mom and Infiniti Roadside Assistance. My mom showed up in a hot minute (I was only like a minute away from the house) and was really good about it but she saw I had everything under control and went back to the house (she had guests). A tow truck arrived in about 20 minutes after the phone call (impressively fast) and the guy was really nice, he helped me out real nice. I dropped my car off at my local Infiniti dealership and then went home (and here I am, typing this crap up). I am so so so depressed at what happened and at what I did. That was stupid of me to be in gear 1 going 30-35 because the car is REALLY raw in gear 1. My parents aren't too pissed, but I am sure they will be once the bill comes in. I really hope I have my car back ASAP, I was supposed to take it into NYC and I am missing it already.
I think in the end, though, I have learned a really valuable lesson: people are assholes, and don't expect them to help you out when you need it the most (referring to the angry guy running at us after it all happened), and watch out for those drainage dips in the road.
I am really glad I am okay and so is my friend... I was apologizing to him like crazy because I shouldn't have been doing what I did (my speed was okay, my gear was just too low and I did not have the control required in that situation) but he was totally okay with it.
Thanks for letting me vent.
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Here is Mr.E's official post about the accident:
So my friend who is home for the week-end (goes to college in Boston) came over today and we decided to go for a drive as he wanted to drive my car (Infiniti G35C 6MT for those of you who don't know). So he did his drive and then it was my turn and we were on some backroads. I was accelerating up this hill and it was a curvy road (25 zone, going about 30-35) and up ahead on the right was a dip in the road for one of those drainage vent things. Now being a car with stiff suspension, I hit the dip and it jolted me and I was in gear 1 and the jolt made my foot push down on the gas (I know it sounds so stupid, but this is honestly what happened). Now this instantaneous pedal to the metal made the back wheels spin and it put me sideways into like a power-slide. As soon as this started happening, I slammed on the brakes as hard as I could, but it was too late and I was well into a juicy slide and I had no control and it was the worst feeling in the world. So we slid completely and did a 180-degree turn and slid up onto the curb. As soon as it was over, I know there was damage. My friend and I were okay, but this guy who was outside across the street came running to us like a madman screaming "MOTHERF*CKERS!!" so I turned on the car, not knowing exactly what damage was done, and drove out of there. We drove for like a mile or two going 15mph and I know something was bad because all four tires were squealing and I had to keep the wheel turned to the right to keep it going straight. I would have stopped and approached the accident naturally, but that guy came running and scared the shit out of us, so we just bounced. Anyways, we found a spot to hide and we got out to look at the car, and I see that the bottom half of the left rear wheel is bent INWARDS!!!! Fortunately, we were not hurt and there was not much damage to the car. I looked under the car and the left rear axle was bent in (I guess it happened when it slammed up on the curb). So, I called up my mom and Infiniti Roadside Assistance. My mom showed up in a hot minute (I was only like a minute away from the house) and was really good about it but she saw I had everything under control and went back to the house (she had guests). A tow truck arrived in about 20 minutes after the phone call (impressively fast) and the guy was really nice, he helped me out real nice. I dropped my car off at my local Infiniti dealership and then went home (and here I am, typing this crap up). I am so so so depressed at what happened and at what I did. That was stupid of me to be in gear 1 going 30-35 because the car is REALLY raw in gear 1. My parents aren't too pissed, but I am sure they will be once the bill comes in. I really hope I have my car back ASAP, I was supposed to take it into NYC and I am missing it already.
I think in the end, though, I have learned a really valuable lesson: people are assholes, and don't expect them to help you out when you need it the most (referring to the angry guy running at us after it all happened), and watch out for those drainage dips in the road.
I am really glad I am okay and so is my friend... I was apologizing to him like crazy because I shouldn't have been doing what I did (my speed was okay, my gear was just too low and I did not have the control required in that situation) but he was totally okay with it.
Thanks for letting me vent.
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