Just being realistic...
Dimarc said:
Do you really think that it’s OK to buy a brand new luxury car and have the dealer install a rebuilt transmission? Don't you think BMW has to go a little further in customer service then just wait until the customer discovers a potential dangerous problem before acting on it? You would expect a lot better service from a Honda or Toyota costing thousands less. This is unacceptable behavior from any company.
Well, I don't consider the problem "dangerous", it was just annoying. And I could care less if the transmission casing is a recycled unit, I don't spend any time looking at my transmission casing. The internal components are all new, it's just the casing that is recycled. Ultimately, I judge it on how it drives. I had electrical problems on my last Mercedes, and that was WAY more of a PITA than this has been.
Again, I'd rather have not had this to deal with, but as long as it's fixed and all I had to do was give them the car for a day with a loaner, it's not like I'm going to become an anti-BMW crusader. I think there is a lot of typical internet pontificating going on with this board, and everyone has gotten wrapped up in the frenzy, so it seems worse than it is. I'll probably just stop reading these threads soon, but I feel bad for new owners who come here looking for information and they have to wade through all of these accusations and conspiracy theories........ when all they really want is just to know how to get the problem resolved on their OWN car. One curious thing I've seen is that on the other BMW boards I visit, there is rarely a reference to this issue, and it certainly doesn't dominate the discussions on the board.......... [???1]