Someone redesigned my car :(

Detroit, MI
Ya. boi am with you on that one. I like them too. One of my professors has those and let me drive it one time. Wow. am talking freaking great. By 92 E36 was shit to that car. he's got the 97.
...and so it continues...

I get a check in the mail this's in the amount of $46xx! The claims adjuster's report was included. After going over his report, I noticed that in really freaking tiny print, it stated that the estimated repair is based upon aftermarket parts, not OE. The use of aftermarket parts may void your warranty. An estimate for OE parts will be granted at owner's request. What really makes me want to kill someone is that I specifically asking the f*cking claims adjuster to estimate using OE parts, and he did and told me that the repairs would be around $7800. And yet he sends this sh*t in the mail. I called him this morning and his reponse is its standard procedure to report on Aftermarket parts first. I proceeded to ask whether it was procedure for someone to lodge their foot up his ass. He did not respond very well to my comment. haha. [poke] I hate insurance companies.


1000 Post Club
Fallujah, Iraq for now
Did you take it directly to a BMW dealer to get the estimate? Did the insurance company send someone out to verify all your claims? With a BMW the MOST expensive estimate will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be at the pretty much goes for all cars. Lessons learned........
Kenny2g said:
So do you have your car and the check? or did they take the car?
I am not keeping the check. My car is currently at the repair shop. The repair shop did an initial inspection of the vehicle and said that the cost to repair the vehicle was over the value of the car. So they told me that they got in touch with the claims adjuster and that he is scheduled to come out to look at the car again. This check nonsense happened in the midst of the the fact that my car may be totaled. Reviewing all the occurred events, it appears to me that the insurance company is trying to settle the claim when an accurate estimate of damages has not even been established. I find this most irritating, and was posting it so that others who may have to deal with this kind of nonsense is forewarned.

As far as what I'm going to settle for, I see only three acceptable options:

1) A full repair of my vehicle at no cost to me
2) A total loss on my vehicle and the insurance pays me book value + other expenses to the car + rental car fees.
3) They give me repair costs that the shop estimates (9k), and I keep the car. In which case I would sell my car for as much as I can get, hopefully coming out with a gross profit of 10k+.

I figure that I may have to sue for one of these three outcomes, but after the hassle and the bullshit report that the claims adjuster filed, I'm no longer in the mood to play nice with the insurance company. I hate these insurance companies.
adrean8j said:
Did you take it directly to a BMW dealer to get the estimate? Did the insurance company send someone out to verify all your claims? With a BMW the MOST expensive estimate will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be at the pretty much goes for all cars. Lessons learned........

None of the BMW dealers near me has a auto-collision repair center, however BMW of Towson referred me to a body shop that works primarily on BMWs. When I visited their shop, it was nice; I mean nnniiicceee. The repaired cars up there looked brand new, the paint shop, repair shop, drive way, office area, etc was clean as I don't know what. And they buy all their parts directly from BMW, absolutely NO aftermarket. So I'm assuming this is the most expensive estimate I can get; and it is expensive enough to total the car, so we'll see if the insurance company buys it. [shake]
And so it goes

So the claims adhuster looks at the car again and refuses to pay any of the supplemental stuff that the shop found. Whatsmore, he hangs up on me when I ask him what I am supposed to do with the $2k he's refusing to give me for repairs. So I asked the lawyer I work for to help me out. And the claims adjuster starts yelliing at lawyer saying shit like, "I'm not gonna pay for the most expensive shop..."if he wants it done there, he can pay for it." [chair] What lovely people....I'm getting persecuted for taking to one of the only shops in Maryland that makes sure it's down 100% correct. All other shops don't seem to care about accuracy. Which brings me to a question...does anyone know of a BMW collision repair shop in Maryland that uses OE parts and is extremely good?
Thanks. Sean
It has now been 45 days since my accident and I am still without a functioning car or a rental car. The insurance company has been literally yelling and screaming at the auto repair place and this has caused a very unhealthy work relationship. I am being screwed in the midst of this pi$$ing contest. Short of filing suit, does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how to make them agree?

It seems like everytime I call I have to listen to each one complain and moan about the other side. And to top it off, the Insurance company had refused to pay for a rental car for more than 9 days because they are blaming the repair place for the delay. I'm getting pretty damn frustrated and I miss my car.

In distress,

So, after over 60 days and needless argumentation and headache, I have been told that I will have my car fixed "like new" this coming Friday. I am not holding my breathe though. The repair shop dude really is making my life hell, as well as the insurance company. How sad is this, I'm ending up paying $300 out of my own pocket to get my car fixed. [bigcry] Supposedly my whole car will be painted and it better look good. I'll post pics when I get it back. Sean
grc said:
i'd be worried that the shop and insurance co came to some agreement. that means that neither of them is going to take the short end of the stick.

Why is that worry-some? I mean, yeah neither of them have taken the short end, they've stuck it with me, hence the $300 that I have to pay out of my pocket. I don't understand what I should be concerned about. I've attempted to think of everything they can screw me with, and I hope I'm not missing some danger that is lurking in the near future. I'm already paying $300 to cover the difference, how could it possibly get any worse?

Now you got me worried [xx(] Ugh!
Later. Sean


chicago burbs
what are they saying the $300 is for, anyway? show me here in my policy where it says i pay $300! if it's to paint the rest of the car so it matches good, $300 isn't too bad. i just paid $1000 out of my pocket to have my front bumper and hood R@R'd, painted, and realigned because the paint was coming off in sheets and the bumper looked like it was hit the way they hung it. one tip by the wheel opening wasn't even attached. i hope they do a good job and you are satisfied, but make sure you are aware of the end of warranty on the paint and take a good look at it before the warranty is up. and don't believe the "lifetime warranty" on the rest of the work! the body shop and insurance co said i have "too many miles on the car" for them to be responsible for the shoddy repairs that were performed, and missed.
grc said:
what are they saying the $300 is for, anyway? show me here in my policy where it says i pay $300! if it's to paint the rest of the car so it matches good, $300 isn't too bad. i just paid $1000 out of my pocket to have my front bumper and hood R@R'd, painted, and realigned because the paint was coming off in sheets and the bumper looked like it was hit the way they hung it. one tip by the wheel opening wasn't even attached. i hope they do a good job and you are satisfied, but make sure you are aware of the end of warranty on the paint and take a good look at it before the warranty is up. and don't believe the "lifetime warranty" on the rest of the work! the body shop and insurance co said i have "too many miles on the car" for them to be responsible for the shoddy repairs that were performed, and missed.

I'm paying $300 because the insurance company does not think some of the damage is related to the accident, even though the damage was not their before the accident. I gave up arguing. They are painting most of the car; everything except the hood, I believe, or something like that. The shop argued to the insurance co that painting most of the car was necessary to properly blend it. That sounds like a B.S. argument, but it twas in my favor.
The shop I took my bimmer to was filled with nothing but brand new 7-series, all years of 5 series, even a few 6 series (new and old). And I peaked around their shop and it looks like a great shop; just a bit full of themselves though. I believe it comes with a warranty, and they are sanding/priming my car before painting it.

Sorry to hear about that nonsense with your car. The body shop I took it to was recommended by three different BMW dealers, so I'm reasonably sure they'll do it right. I honestly believe that's why it's been an argument between the insurance co and the shop. The initial shop estimate was 7700 and the initial insurance estimate was 4400. After over 60 days, they agreed to 7k and some change. So I don't think they'll do shoddy work. But I will definitely look the car over before I pay the shop. I'm gonna spend the whole day inspecting everything. lol, I really don't care if I drive the guy crazy.

Thanks for the warning!
Metuchen NJ
if i were u i'd change your insurance company asap...

also i know its a bit late now, but i'd def junk the 318.
its def not worth fixing since the motor is so crappy.

also if some1 from behind hits u, u go through thier insurance
company. yours should not find out from you about it...
maybe i misread the post but it looks like u are struggling
with your own company?
bahnstormer said:
if i were u i'd change your insurance company asap...

also i know its a bit late now, but i'd def junk the 318.
its def not worth fixing since the motor is so crappy.

also if some1 from behind hits u, u go through thier insurance
company. yours should not find out from you about it...
maybe i misread the post but it looks like u are struggling
with your own company?

LOL. It's not my insurance's a high risk insurance company; the person who hit me does not have the best driving record (surprise, surprise) [80?] . I'm struggling with their insurance company because I'm too broke to afford collision on my insurance; if I had collision, my insurance company would have just given me a check no problems, no questions. (At least that's what they say in their ads) And as far as junking the's my first Bimmer, and I know the motor is small and not-so-powerful, but I like it. I'm only 20 and in college, and I figure as my own first car, purchasing it on my own was important than anything else. Oh and the repair costs for the car are well over what I paid for it. I only paid 5k, and the repairs are now in the 7k's.

The motor isn't crappy, its just not a six. It's very well built, never had problems (knock wood).


chicago burbs
it's easier/cheaper to paint more of the car than it is to try to blend the color mid-panel. paint warranties aren't very long, 30 or 90 days maybe? sounds like the shop you found is up to the task, but that's too bad about your engine being crappy! maybe if you could find an old civic or supra that has outlived its' engine and swapped it into your car?
Where do you see him saying that the engine is crappy? I am sorry to come out of no where and start sayings things like that but it just felt like you are flaming him when he is debating that his engine is good just not a 6.
andreyiv said:
Where do you see him saying that the engine is crappy? I am sorry to come out of no where and start sayings things like that but it just felt like you are flaming him when he is debating that his engine is good just not a 6.

Thank you. Sean
grc said:
it's easier/cheaper to paint more of the car than it is to try to blend the color mid-panel. paint warranties aren't very long, 30 or 90 days maybe? sounds like the shop you found is up to the task, but that's too bad about your engine being crappy! maybe if you could find an old civic or supra that has outlived its' engine and swapped it into your car?
I don't know anyone in who would take put a 7MG-TE or 2JZ-GE or 2JZ-GTTE in a 3 series. I'd rather have a Supra than a SUpra engine in my car. I don't even think those engines could fit; the L6 on the Surpas would probably require a rasied hood or something.

I would love to be able to afford a 2001 M5, but I cannot; I am young and in college. Just because I have a L4 does not make it crappy. I do not know why I have to keep defending myself on this board....I don't even know why I'm responding. Anyway, I hope no one construes this as "me starting something." If anyone thinks my engine is crappy, it's their choice; it's not a big deal to me; in fact I think it's kind of cool that the L4 gets probably just as much attention as the L6.....too bad it's usually negative attention. haha. It's my L4 and thats all that really matters. [:)] It makes me [:)]

Although, I must admit I am intrigued about a 2JZ-GTTE in my 318Is. That engine would probably tear the car apart. lol. Oh and I would never put any honda engine in my car. I probably would never even put a Supra engine, but it's quite a thought.

Also, BTW if ANYONE ON THIS BOARD IS A SUPRA FANATIC, ESPECIALLY the MKI SUPRA, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I AM A SUPRA FANATIC, and I might be getting another one and I would like an amature/expert opinion.

