Someone redesigned my car :(

Selavia, I always wandered the reason for the explicite violent behaviour expressed in your User plate... Now I know,...!!!
I even can venture you handled it better than I would have... Off course, I would have had a lawsuit started early on... maybe it is different where you come from, but here, I would have had 3 or 4 laywers to take the case - a rear ended case, ... That is why I pay so much insurance down here...!!! Of course, that is why I also added on my insurance for -"uninsured motorist"... which is often the case too. The legislation tried to pass a law to impound cars without insurance and the NAACP was all over it, claiming racial profiling... go figure...
Los Angeles, CA
damn, that totally sucks... :( am really sorry to hear about this, as i've been victim to this kind of collision b4 too back when i had my honda civic. (in my case, the bastard took off and didn't even stop.)

since your car is a 95, if it were me- i'd lean towards collecting the insurance pay-out and getting rid of the car- namely because it will never be the same again even after the repair. it was already an aging car, and now with this kinda impact damage you're bound to get rattles, squeaks, and god knows what else later down the road.

does a 2008 3 got your name on it? :)
The initial accident happend May 2004. But the most recent 'chapter' occurred when I went to remove the trunk interior panels to replace the suspension. Along the way, there was a hit and run. There's a thread on the forum about the hit and run. Now the hit and run damage and everything else is done. I'm not 100% pleased with any of the bodywork on my vehicle. Neither the hit and run repair or the warranty work is adequate, but I'm through getting into arguments with people about it.

I guess no one really cares to do a good job on an older car. Although, they have no problem charging me out the wazoo for the work. And I guess I'm the idiot because I keep paying!

Detrich, 2008 3 Series? Nah... it still hasn't grown on me. Although, I do like the 3 series hard top convertibles. But if I get my wish, my next car will be some variation of a 5 series. I'm starting to get a little older and am now beginning to see the wisdom of a bigger 4 door sedan.

gpiron, Actually, that violent avatar is from a movie, "Office Space." Really funny movie, and the funny part is the violent scene is where Michael Bolton is beating up a fax machine. But I did put that up around the time that the whole accident thing happened in 2004.
