It's Baaaack!! '04 330cic Steptronic slipping AGAIN

Bmw 325i 7803

1000 Post Club
Jackboot said:
With everyone speaking of "lemon laws", can someone clarify exactly what they are? How many times must the sliptronic attempt to be fixed before the law kicks in? And what exactly happens when the law kicks in? Refund? Replacement???

In NY state 4 times, and it has to be proven that it considerably devalues the vechicle...... Which is obviously ambiguous[:(]

And if that occcurs then you are entitled to a vechicle of equal value, or refund.
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Sorry, did not paste proper thread item, but by "worse" I mean the slipping is now readily detected by my wife, when she leaves work in the evening. Yes, clearly the fact that she was made aware of this by me likely influences her, but she swears that (even in equally cold weather last month), the originally tranny did not behave as overtly dysfunctional as this one does.

Indeed, I am tempted to let it slide until BMW gets its ___ together, and figures out a proper fix. However, I also feel that immediate rectification is needed for this consumer.

Finally, this is hopelessly pessimistic and not at all based on any factual information, but I have a fear. That is, I fear that perhaps these "new, off the assembly line" and purportedly fixed trannies are simply new ones. That's right - new ones that may or may not have the problem. Could this possibly be? Could they possibly have such a haphazard approach to taking care of this problem? I would certainly think not, but then again how could my new/fixed tranny be no better than the original one?? Is it simply a band-aid internal fix that is insufficient to handle the cold weather stressor?

At the risk of looking like a maniac for responding to my own post.... FYI, dealer called me back; the regional rep. is in town Thursday so they want me to leave our 330 xi with them Wed. night. They mostly want to check all codes and paint marks on the replacement tranny, to make some sense of what might have happened here. I told them of course that the problem should also be there when they test it Thursday morning. Dealer tells me that another new tranny (but this time he stressed NEW, off the assembly line...hmm, I was assured this was the case with the defective replacement unit), and after that they will cut us a check for one month's car payment. Will let you all know the status late Thursday or Friday.
New York
Bmw 325i 7803 said:
In NY state 4 times, and it has to be proven that it considerably devalues the vechicle...... Which is obviously ambiguous[:(]

And if that occcurs then you are entitled to a vechicle of equal value, or refund.
There are other states where it takes only 3 times. And in NY State, it is either 4 times or vehicle is out of service for 30 days. However, if I'm not mistaken ... this does not immediately entitle the consumer to a replacement vehicle or refund. It "entitles" you to have legal recourse. And the remedy is a refund subject to depreciation for any mileage over and above 12,000 OR a replacement vehicle (which can be a vehicle of the same year and type with similar mileage). Clearly, this is motivation to attempt to have BMW correct the problem asap ... at least in NY.
Medford, Oregon
Not sure how to set-up a poll, so maybe someone with more skill can do it. I would like to know: E46 series 2002-2004

1. Do you have a Steptronic tranny with NO slippage problems?

2. Do you own a Steptronic with slippage problems that has been repaired succesfully by replacing the clutch pack at the dealer?

3. Do you own a Steptronic with slippage problems that has been repaired UNsuccessfully by the dealer with a new clutch pack and still slips.

4. Do you own a Steptronic with slippage problems that has had the tranny replaced and now have NO slippage problems.

5. Do you own a Steptronic with slippage problems that has had the tranny replaced and STILL slips.

Mine is scheduled for repair on Feb 4th...[?|]
New York
outpost22 said:
Not sure how to set-up a poll, so maybe someone with more skill can do it. I would like to know: E46 series 2002-2004

1. Do you have a Steptronic tranny with NO slippage problems?

2. Do you own a Steptronic with slippage problems that has been repaired succesfully by replacing the clutch pack at the dealer?

3. Do you own a Steptronic with slippage problems that has been repaired UNsuccessfully by the dealer with a new clutch pack and still slips.

4. Do you own a Steptronic with slippage problems that has had the tranny replaced and now have NO slippage problems.

5. Do you own a Steptronic with slippage problems that has had the tranny replaced and STILL slips.

Mine is scheduled for repair on Feb 4th...[?|]
I just did something similar recently:


New Member
I am still waiting for my transmission to come in...on a question slightly off topic, we bought the car in NJ but we live in NY. Which state's lemon law would govern us???
Tranny Number 3!

Regional rep. examined (not sure what that entails) our car today and has determined that yes, this purportedly new, off the assembly line and fixed tranny is also defective, "due to an internal problem." Now they are telling me that they are "ordering a BRAND NEW TRANSMISSION from BMW" (isn't that what I demanded and was told what I received about 3 weeks ago??) for the car.

They agreed to pay us one month's finance/loan payment for our hassles. So, with 2500 miles on it and a purchase date of 12/18/93 or so, we are ready for our third transmission. Rather hard to agree it is the "ultimate driving machine" when it does not want to engage Drive, or when it is in the shop for a new tranny every 2-3 weeks. Wow. Sarcasm aside, if I can glean anything of an engineering/mechanical nature from these people as to why the replacement was also defective, I will post on this board.

Bmw 325i 7803

1000 Post Club
Did you say a THIRD TRANSMISSION??????? They replaced it once, then again, and now again???[???1]

If this final Tranny doesn't do it wouldn't you think it's time for a lawyer?
New York
Bmw 325i 7803 said:
Did you say a THIRD TRANSMISSION??????? They replaced it once, then again, and now again???[???1]

If this final Tranny doesn't do it wouldn't you think it's time for a lawyer?
4X in shop for same problem qualified for Lemon Law in NYS.

Bmw 325i 7803

1000 Post Club
I bet they're well aware of this, and if this one doesn't do it he's probably gonna need to videotape it slip otherwise they will certainly be unable to replicate the problem... After this repair I'd becareful. Unless it is different in PA
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PA LL etc.

In PA I am pretty sure that one can "win" a buyback case if the problem that exists (within 12k miles of purchase) is not fixed after 3 attempts. Now, we are ready to accept our 3rd tranny, but this would represent only the 2nd attempt to fix. Original tranny defective thus one attempt (replacement) to fix. That was defective so now another, the 2nd attempt to fix (another replacement tranny i.e. the third unit in the car). So, if the NEXT tranny is defective yes, the car will go back in and my attorneys will be called immediately. FWIW the dealer has been good overall (service, that is).

Other: Some comment that a "blue inspection paint dab" was not present on the replacement tranny was given to me, which indicated, from what I was told, that this was a new tranny but that it did not get the fix. IF this is true, then what we have is an egregious example of poor project management and communication between the manufacturer and the end-user (dealer service). I am not suggesting that you all crawl under your cars and look for a blue paint dab on your replacement sh_ttronics - god knows where it is, and if this is even accurate information given to me. But an early clue.
New York
Re: PA LL etc.

P. Eden said:
In PA I am pretty sure that one can "win" a buyback case if the problem that exists (within 12k miles of purchase) is not fixed after 3 attempts. Now, we are ready to accept our 3rd tranny, but this would represent only the 2nd attempt to fix. Original tranny defective thus one attempt (replacement) to fix. That was defective so now another, the 2nd attempt to fix (another replacement tranny i.e. the third unit in the car). So, if the NEXT tranny is defective yes, the car will go back in and my attorneys will be called immediately. FWIW the dealer has been good overall (service, that is).

Other: Some comment that a "blue inspection paint dab" was not present on the replacement tranny was given to me, which indicated, from what I was told, that this was a new tranny but that it did not get the fix. IF this is true, then what we have is an egregious example of poor project management and communication between the manufacturer and the end-user (dealer service). I am not suggesting that you all crawl under your cars and look for a blue paint dab on your replacement sh_ttronics - god knows where it is, and if this is even accurate information given to me. But an early clue.
Would be interesting to know where it is located though.
New York
I spoke to my SA today. I had my tranny replaced about a week ago. I told him that in the mornings, when shifting into "D" ... it does not stand still while while the rpms go up ... but it does feel labored and sluggish to get up to 15-20 mph at 2000 rpm (especially compared with my loaner which was a 330i). I also told him that there was one morning when I really gave it a lot of gas and it jerked forward after hesitating for the slightest split second ... and that I notice a lot of upshifting/downshifting (not sure if this is slippage) during first 5 mins at constant 30mph speed.

He told me that this is normal behavior and that I am driving myself crazy needlessly. He told me that the 330i is a completely different car (probably has a ZF tranny) and is bound to feel different. That he double-checked with his BMWNA rep and was told that my replacement would have been one of the first to truly correct the problem. I made a request which he agreed to. I asked him to set me up with another loaner asap for pickup the night before. I will leave my car overnight and they will leave it in the lot outside. I will drive over early in the AM next day and will test drive my car coldstarted with the shop foreman (or the shop foreman will test drive it with me in the car). Hopefully it will be a cold morning. If he certifies that the car is behaving normally, I will drop it at this point. If not ... well ... I guess we'll take it from there. Only problem is I had to wait till end of Feb for an appt. with a loaner.

Bottom line ... I'm not really sure if the behavior is normal. It doesn't rev up to 2000 rpm and just stand there without moving. It moves ... and goes up to maybe 15-20 mph at 2000 rpm (when cold). This may be normal behavior for a 325 2.5L engine coldstarted. The upshifting/downshifting at 30mph is another matter.

Will keep you all posted.
Oreland, PA

I can tell you that my car doesn't do that (2003 325i with clutch pack fix). Although the care does shift a bit differently when you first start out and the engine is cold. I do believe that is normal though. I also notice that when you are stopped at a stop sign and you already started your turn. (Engine is warm now) that when you start going again with some haste that the car seems to do like a quick downshift. I have noticed this on other cars also.

Before he actually experienced the SLIPTronic problem, my SA told me that there is a normal cold start tuning difference. He said that the computer evaluates vehicle temperature to determine shift RPM and timing advance. This is to reduce/prevent cold stalling and rough running. I do believe that is true, and it sounds like this might be what you are experiencing.

If it is the SLIPTronic problem, it will get worse with time, by most accounts.
