EEk! My sliptronic is showing
This morning was bad. It was 26 degrees and I was parked on a slight hill. I came out and put into reverse for about six feet, then into drive. The car kept going backwards down the hill I hit the brakes and held them for a couple of seconds, then went to the accelerator, the car was revving at about 2500 rpm but I was only moving 2-3 mph. This lasted for about 3-4 seconds till the tranny "caught" and I started to drive normally. I would say the transmission slipped for close to 15 seconds. NOT ACCEPTABLE!! and downright dangerous. I have an appointment on the 29th with service to fix my mirror and interior light problem, which are minor "gliches" compared to this.
This morning was bad. It was 26 degrees and I was parked on a slight hill. I came out and put into reverse for about six feet, then into drive. The car kept going backwards down the hill I hit the brakes and held them for a couple of seconds, then went to the accelerator, the car was revving at about 2500 rpm but I was only moving 2-3 mph. This lasted for about 3-4 seconds till the tranny "caught" and I started to drive normally. I would say the transmission slipped for close to 15 seconds. NOT ACCEPTABLE!! and downright dangerous. I have an appointment on the 29th with service to fix my mirror and interior light problem, which are minor "gliches" compared to this.