Re: Re: Re: H e l p please
Kirby ... thanks for this. I had given up on these people. And probably it is still best if we just ignore them.
Kirby said:
It's really unfortunate that you make these assumptions and statements without knowing the facts.
"Members sharing experiences on here does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to get BMW to correct the problem. "
This is how the first 5 or 6 of us found out that it was not "just me". By sharing these experiences we realized it was a wide spread problem.
It also could be used as an effective tool to pool resources and take action when there is a clear problem affecting so many.
This is in fact what we have been doing since September. Myself, several others who check in here, and several others who don't check in here have been communicating by personal EMail for months, taking actions that we DID NOT post here for various personal choice reasons. Our dealers have in several cases contacted each other to discuss the problem.
If you read back through the entire thread, you will find that my car as well as several others were used by BMWNA for software patch tests, clutch pack replacements, etc. Our transmissions were sent back for "autopsies" and used to determine the source of the problem. We were working WITH BMW NA so that they could solve the problem FOR EVERYONE, not just our 5 or 6 cars. We agreed on a plan, took action, worked with BMW, and got the resolution that everyone is looking for - the problem is fixed by everyone's experience in the past 3 to 4 weeks.
I have received more EMails than you could possibly imagine from Steptronic owners, thanking us for identifying the problem and giving them the information to get their problems addressed. Results. End of discussion.
As for your on going derogatory comments - "impotent" "non-effective" "myopic" - about those who have helped get the problem identified and resolved, I find that many times people attack others based on their insecurity about their own shortcomings and failures.
"Members sharing experiences on here does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to get BMW to correct the problem. "
This is how the first 5 or 6 of us found out that it was not "just me". By sharing these experiences we realized it was a wide spread problem.
It also could be used as an effective tool to pool resources and take action when there is a clear problem affecting so many.
This is in fact what we have been doing since September. Myself, several others who check in here, and several others who don't check in here have been communicating by personal EMail for months, taking actions that we DID NOT post here for various personal choice reasons. Our dealers have in several cases contacted each other to discuss the problem.
If you read back through the entire thread, you will find that my car as well as several others were used by BMWNA for software patch tests, clutch pack replacements, etc. Our transmissions were sent back for "autopsies" and used to determine the source of the problem. We were working WITH BMW NA so that they could solve the problem FOR EVERYONE, not just our 5 or 6 cars. We agreed on a plan, took action, worked with BMW, and got the resolution that everyone is looking for - the problem is fixed by everyone's experience in the past 3 to 4 weeks.
I have received more EMails than you could possibly imagine from Steptronic owners, thanking us for identifying the problem and giving them the information to get their problems addressed. Results. End of discussion.
As for your on going derogatory comments - "impotent" "non-effective" "myopic" - about those who have helped get the problem identified and resolved, I find that many times people attack others based on their insecurity about their own shortcomings and failures.