cdotger said:
BMW 325i 7803,
Here is my take. My buddy at the dealership told me that the clutch pack is a 3 phase process. The dealership drops the tran, the specialist comes in and opens the tran and replaces the pack (about a 5 min process)... The dealership then replaces the tran back into the car. This way you keep your existing tran.
If you get a tran replacement you will most likely be getting a rebuilt. Although I'm sure both will be covered for the full warranty period. What happens after that? I would rather have my existing tran with the fix. Just my 2 cents.
Carl, I agree with you. I'm not sure I trust them even though they tell me I am getting a new one (they claim that they will stand behind it no matter what). I asked for the clutch pack replacement but they told me I'd be crazy to turn down a new tranny. They also told me that it wasn't until just recently that BMW fully understood the problem ... so it is not possible at this point to even get a rebuilt tranny with the final fix in it. Can you find out from your buddy how long ago it was that they fully understood the issue?
To Bmw 325i 7803. It's a toss up. There is not a clear-cut winner:
Tranny Replacement:
1. If rebuilt, risk of future problems from old parts (this is solely my opinion; dealer says in rebuilts, all parts are replaced except for casing).
2. Faster job
3. May take longer to get replacement tranny.
4. Covered under warranty
5. If new, piece of mind if car has low mileage.
Clutch Pack Replacement:
1. You keep your existing tranny.
2. Longer repair job.
3. May have to wait for appt. once part arrives cause GM-trained repairman must be present.
4. Covered under warranty.
I frankly don't see a distinct advantage with either.